Monday 25 December 2017

Chapter 7: Understanding vegetables

On 22 Nov 2017, we have learn chapter 7 which tell us about understanding vegetables.Here are some of that we learn in class and teach by our lecturer,Chef Naim.


- one time the vegetables is unimportant,abused and neglected.
- but nowadays vegetables are the most important because of their; Nutrition,Variety,Flavor,Eye appeal and Sophistication.
- highly perishable.

Controlling Quality Changes During Cooking
⇒Cooking affects:
   1. Texture
   2. Flavor
   3. Color
   4. Nutrients
(how much is changed of each will determine the final products quality)

Controlling texture changes
Fiber - structures of vegetables (include cellulose and pectins)
         - made firmer by acids & sugars
         - softened by heat & alkalis

Starch - another vegetables component
           - dry starchy foods (cooked in enough water to absorb moisture & soften)
Doneness - a vegetable is done when it reach its peak degree of tenderness
                 - most vegetables cooked al dente (firm to the bite)

Control flavor changes
Cooking produces flavor loss and to keep to a minimum:
 -cook as short a time 
 -use boiling salted water
 -enough water to cover vegetables
 -steam vegetables

Strong flavored vegetables - comes from the onion and cabbage families or root vegetables
-some vegetables changes its flavor
-avoid over cook because some vegetables develop a strong and unpleasant flavor when overcooked
onions(strong flavored vegetables)

Cooking and sweetness
- fresh harvested vegetables are high in sugar but as they mature or sit in storage the sugar turns to starch.
- serve sweet-tasting vegetables : serve young fresh vegetables and use a little sugar to cook old vegetables

Controlling color changes

White vegetables
- white pigments called flavoness (primary coloring compounds)
- example; celery,cucumbers,and zucchini
- it will stay white (acid) and turn yellow (alkaline)
- to keep it white add acid

Red vegetables

- red pigments called anthocyanins but only found in few vegetables
- acids (bright)
- alkaline [green or blue-green(not appealing)]

Green vegetables - green coloring called chlorophyll is present in all green plants.

Yellow and Orange vegetables - yellow and orange pigments (caretenoids) and stable.

Controlling nutrient losses

6 factors that affect nutrient loss;
  • High temperature
  • Long cooking
  • Leaching
  • Alkalis (baking soda,hard water)
  • Plant enzymes
  • Oxygen 
Pressure steamers cook quickly→Braising uses low heat ( long cooking)→Baking eliminates leaching of vitamins & minerals→Boiling faster than simmering→Cutting vegetables into small pieces(decrease cooking time)

Standard of quality in cooked vegetables
Vegetables combinations ⇨ Color ⇨ Appearance on plate ⇨ Texture ⇨ Flavor ⇨ Seasonings ⇨ Sauces ⇨ Vegetables combinations

Classifying vegetables as used in the kitchen

  • The Gourd family (squashes)
  • Seeds and Pods (beans, okra, peas)
  • Tender-Fruited vegetables (avocado,eggplant,tomatoes)
  • Roots and Tubers (beets,carrots)
  • The Cabbage family (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower)
  • The Onion family (garlic,shallots,onions)
  • Leafy greens (spinach,lettuce,chicory)
  • Stocks,Stems and Shoots (asparagus, celery, fennel)
  • Mushrooms


Fresh vegetables: Evaluating and preparing

  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage,Green,Red and Savoy
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic
  • Lettuce
  • Mushroom
  • Okra
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
⇒Two types of mushroom which is Cultivated Exotic mushrooms (Shiitake,Oyster mushrooms,Enoki mushrooms) and Wild mushrooms (Morel,Bolete,Black trumpet).

Processed vegetables
- Quality of the frozen or canned vegetables never equals
- Handling frozen vegetables: check the temperature,large ice,signs of leaking,freezer burn,cook frozen vegetables from the frozen state
- Canned vegetables: reject damaged cans,know the drained weight,check grade
- Dried vegetables: two basic types of dried vegetables~Dried Legumes, Freeze-Dried and Other Dehydrated Vegetables.

Fresh and Frozen
-A fresh vegetables such as potatoes,onions and winter squash stored at 10 degree to 18 degree Celsius in a dry place while other vegetables stored in refrigerator.

-As for frozen vegetables,store at -17 degree Celsius or cooler, in original containers until it is ready to use.

Dried and Canned
-Dried vegetables should be store in a cool (less than 23 degree Celsius) in a dry place,well-ventilated place
-Canned vegetables: keep in cool,dry place
~Don't create them in first place
~Don't mix batches
~Cool quickly and use with caution

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